Daksha MASHRUWALA(印度/India)Daksha MASHRUWALA自開始學舞時,研習的舞種就是婆羅多舞 (Bharatnatyam),並師事 Smt. Mrinalini SARABHAI,在 Darpana 度過了她的童年與青少年光陰。近年來,隨著她持續鑽研古典舞蹈,更深刻瞭解美學與藝術形式,也奠定了終生耕耘的基礎。
在 30 初歲的時候,Daksha 首次接觸充滿美感雕刻的奧迪西舞 (Odissi) ,並在傑出的Shri Padmavibhushan Kelucharan MAHAPATRA (已故) 大師指導下,繼續她的修行旅程。自 1988 年以來,她持續從 Kelubabu 接受密集的訓練與指導,從此致力探索並精進奧迪西舞錯綜的複雜細節。在過去的20年裡,Daksha持續聚焦在各種不同的推廣與創作,嘗試提高各界民眾對於奧迪西舞蹈與音樂的認識及喜愛。 由Daksha所成立的「Kaishiki」培養並鼓勵了多位才華橫溢的年輕舞者,其中部分人才亦已成為專業的獨舞家。在為數眾多的奧迪西舞蹈研討會、示範演出、表演與定期課程中,逐步見證推廣及教學目標的具體成果。學院的許多學生因此接觸了多樣的不同藝術形式與舞蹈技巧,提高自身對於表演藝術的瞭解及欣賞。 做為倡導者、教師與編舞家,Daksha 經常舉辦表演、工作坊及示範講座,吸引印度國內與國外的觀眾。 近期編舞作品包括《Crossing Oceans》、《Arksh》、《Gopi Geet》、《Nav Rasa》、《Laadli》以及《Rukmini Haran》。這些芭蕾舞劇在過去幾年都由 Daksha 和她的劇團多次演出。 身為全印電視台 (Doordarshan) 的一流藝術家,歷年來Daksha先後獲得各項大獎肯定,包括了 Uday Shankar 編舞獎、Brihad Mumbai Gujarati Samaj 頒發的 Girnar 獎,以及孟買那瀾陀高級佛學院頒發的 Nalanda Kanam Nartana Purskar。 Daksha MASHRUWALA started her first years of training in the art form of Bharatnatyam under Smt. Mrinalini SARABHAI at Darpana during her childhood and teenage years. These years laid the foundation for a lifetime of greater understanding of aesthetics and form as she delved deeper into classical dance.
In her early 30’s, Daksha made her first acquaintance with the sculpturesque and sensuous dance form of Odissi. She continued her journey under the distinguished maestro Late Shri Padmavibhushan Kelucharan MAHAPATRA. Having had intense training and guidance from Kelubabu since 1988, she has devoted herself to the intricacies of Odissi ever since. Promoting awareness and love for Odissi dance and music through various avenues has been the main focus of Dakshaji’s life over the last two decades. Her institution, ‘Kaishiki’ has nurtured and encouraged several talented young dancers, some of who have now matured into professional solo artists. Several workshops, demonstrations, performances and regular classes in Odissi within its walls have seen this goal come to fruition. The school’s many students have thus been exposed to diverse art forms and dance techniques, enhancing their knowledge and appreciation of performing arts. An exponent, teacher and choreographer, Daksha has regaled audiences in India and abroad, with performances, workshops and lecture-demonstrations. A few recent choreographies by Daksha include , Crossing Oceans, Arksh,Gopi Geet, Nav Rasa, Laadli and Rukmini Haran. These ballets have been performed by Daksha and her troupe over the last few years several times. A top grade artist of Doordarshan, she has been bestowed with some very prestigious awards namely Uday Shankar Choreography Award, Girnar Award from Brihad Mumbai Gujarati Samaj and Nalanda Kanam Nartana Purskar from Nalanda Institute, Mumbai. |
Namrata MEHTA(印度/India)Namrata MEHTA 是出身孟買的奧迪西舞蹈大師 Smt Daksha MASHRUWALA 的資深弟子,Namrata 是同輩當中最優秀的舞蹈家之一,二十多年來持續將熱情投入舞蹈,專注無私始終如一。她在印度與國外的各個著名節慶裡,獲得觀眾無數的青睞,並贏得了各種榮譽稱號。
Namrata 是全印電視台 (Doordarshan) 分級的藝術工作者,並獲頒 Sringarmani 和 Girnar Ratna 稱號。此 外, Namrata也獲得那瀾陀舞蹈研究所管理委員會頒發的 Nrityashastra 文憑,更是印度政府印度文化關係委員會 (ICCR) 的特邀藝術家。 2017 年獲得了奧迪西舞蹈領域享有盛譽的 Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra Yuva Pratiba Pursakar。2018 年時則曾遠赴札格瑞布,在 Stross 夏季音樂節代表印度大使館登場演出。 過去 2 年的時間裡,Namrata 持續與臺灣蒂摩爾古薪舞集 (Tjimur Dance Theater) 密切往來,開展各式文化交流。她也與 SPICMACAY 合作,並且參與研討會系列活動。 Namrata 是 Kaishiki Nrityabhasha 的助理主任,該機構由 Smt Daksha MASHRUWALA 大師所創建,致力保護並促進奧迪西舞蹈的藝術形式地位。她在學院裡訓練有年輕的奧迪西舞者,並協助她的導師進行編舞與行政事務。 Namrata 與著名的民族舞蹈家 Vaishali SAGAR 合作,構思名為《SAMAGAM- To Emerge》的舞碼。其亦曾企劃奧迪西舞蹈的創新舞蹈作品《Arksh》——透過動作與音樂,探索十二生肖的故事。 「憑藉出色的舞蹈技巧精準表現,她進一步將自己獨特的個性與堅強的性格引進自身的所有表演 — 因此從一個優秀的學生及舞者,成長為不同凡響的的表演巨匠。」 她的導師Smt Daksha MASHRUWALA 如此說到。 Namrata MEHTA is a senior disciple of the Odissi dance Guru, Smt Daksha MASHRUWALA, based in Mumbai. Namrata is one of the finest dancers of her generation, dedicated to her passion for more than twenty years. She has enthralled audiences at various prestigious festivals in India and abroad and has earned many titles to her credit.
Namrata is an artist, graded by Doordarshan and has been conferred the titles of Sringarmani and Girnar Ratna. Namrata has received a diploma in Nrityashastra from the governing council of Nalanda Dance Research Institute. She is an empanelled artist with Indian Council of Cultural Relations, Government of India (ICCR). Namrata has been awarded the prestigious Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra Yuva Pratiba Pursakar 2017 in Odissi dance. Performed for Indian Embassy at Summer Stross festival, Zagreb 2018. For the last 2 years, Namrata has been a part of cultural exchange with Taiwan's Tjimur dance theater- Taiwan. Namrata is also associated with SPICMACAY and has been part of Workshop Demonstration Series. Namrata is the assistant director of Kaishiki Nrityabhasha, an institution set up by Guru Smt Daksha MASHRUWALA, working towards preserving and furthering Odissi dance as an art form. She trains young aspiring Odissi dancers in the institute and assists her guru in choreographies and administrative work as well. Namrata has conceived a dance production called SAMAGAM- To Emerge. It is a collaborative effort with eminent Folk dancer Vaishali SAGAR. Namrata has also conceptualized an innovative dance piece in Odissi dance, Arksh – Exploring the Zodiacs through movement and music. "With excellent technical precision in her dance, she also brings her unique personality and strength of character into all of her performances- and this is the factor that has taken her from being a good student and dancer, to blossoming into an exceptional performer." By her Guru Smt Daksha MASHRUWALA. |
Ayu Permata SARI(印尼/Indonesia)Ayu Permata SARI 是來自印尼北楠榜省的編舞家及舞者,她含有楠榜省王座 (pepadun) 部落的血統,該部落為楠榜省文化的主要部落之一。
Ayu 是 Ayu Permata 舞蹈專案 (APDP) 的負責人,透過 APDP 的經營支持 Ayu 自己的所有藝術創作與活動,包括個人活動以及與其他藝術家的各式合作展演。 從 2020 年至今,Ayu 的部分作品聚焦探討楠榜省王座部落裡的男女兩性地位與角色。 Ayu Permata SARI is a choreographer and dancer from North Lampung, Indonesia. Ayu's lineage includes the Lampung pepadun tribe, which is one of the main tribes in Lampung culture.
Ayu is the owner of Ayu Permata Dance Project (APDP), APDP is a room for Ayu to support all her artistic activities both solo activities and collaborations with other artists. Since 2020 until now some of Ayu's works have focused on discussing the position of men and women in the Lampung pepadun tribe. |
Kornkarn (Gade) RUNGSAWANG
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